Wednesday, February 24, 2010


At the start of my project I was given the Brief:

Design and complete set of functioning electrostatic speakers. The speaker cabinets must be of original shape ie not rectangular. You must design a functioning crossover to be used by your speakers. You must show the design process.


The alignment of the woofer, tweeter and port is important to fulfill a quality technological outcome. Having the woofer and tweeter on different axis and correct space in between the two allows for the sound quality to be better if the mass is calculated correctly. I did put the woofer and tweeter on different axis but did not calculate how far apart they should be from each other. This was corrected by tuning the port length to compensate the loss of quality lost by me not calculating the mass of the cabinet to speakers.

The electrostatic is to help the frequencies to disperse better. Usually without electrostatic the frequencies are dispersed outward from each of the speakers but with electrostatic the frequencies are dispersed up the large sheet of metal and outwards from the metal. The electrostatic disperses a larger range of frequencies than regular speakers so makes the sound quality better and suits a genre of music that uses a wide range of frequencies like jazz.

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